Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Modern Nemo 37

Mori laughed again upon seeing the look of disappointment of Hayashi's face. "So," he said, "now that we've run into a dead end, why not we talk about something else? Let's talk about things going on back home."

"Home?" Hayashi snarled. "You don't have any home."

"We both lost our homes when we fled Japan as refugees, Ryuichi-kun," said Mori after emptying his glass. "The EOGC took us in."

"You left."

Hayashi finished his glass in one gulp.

"Oh, but I'm always intent on returning, Ryuichi-kun, no?"

"After always causing trouble."

"Oh, I have to earn a living."

"By wreaking havoc wherever it is you go."

"Let's not talk about me, Ryuichi-kun. Let's talk about you," said Mori ashe leaned forward. "How's your sister?"

Instantly, Hayashi leaped to his feet. He pulled out another pair of scissors. "Don't you ever talk about my sister!" he snapped.

"Why not, Ryuichi-kun?" sneered Mori. "I used to have a crush on her."

"The path she took, she took on her own free will! You were in her way! You have no right to follow her, you scum!"

Mori rose slowly. "So like you, Ryuichi-kun. Always shrinking her options and keeping an eye on her," he hissed. "She's a bird in a beautiful cage; it's called a convent."

"Shut up, Taro!"

Mori dropped his glass and the wine bottle. Almost immediately a pair of chisels slithered, handles first, into his hands from the sleeves of his blazer.

"Don't deny it, Ryuichi-kun,"said Mori as Hayashi took a step back. "A control-freak of an older brother like you maneuvered her into taking that kind of life."

"Shut up!" cried Hayashi as he swung his scissors at Mori.

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