Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Modern Nemo 36

Onodera clenched his teeth. Mori was looking at him, right through his crosshairs, and smiling. Now he had to watch both Mori and the giant. The playing field was leveled; now both snipers were watching each other as well as their men on the ground.

Mori reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of shot glasses. He tossed one to Hayashi. Hayashi caught the glass as Mori approached him, holding the bottle out.

"Mavrodafni," noted Hayashi,eyeing the wine. "I prefer retsina."

Mori chuckled. "Let's talk," he said.

Onodera's smartphone buzzed. He ignored it, even as it vibrated repeatedly in his coat pocket. Finally, he noticed movement on the giant's side.

Joop pulled his phone out and waved it playfully at Onodera.

Realizing he was being contacted by the dutch giant, Onodera pulled out his phone and saw a missed call and a text message.

"Hi there, 4 eyes." read the text. "This will take a while. Why don't we just sit down and cool off?"

Onodera looked back through his scope and saw the dutch giant wave a can of beer. He sent a reply. "Don't mind if I do, Necker D. Wrecker." it read.

The dutch giant grinned, popped the can open, inserted a straw and started drinking. Onodera lit a cigarette.

Hayashi tasted the mavrodafni  as he and Mori seated themselves among the rocks. The wine was sweet, with tones of chocolate and raisins. Mori drank from his glass, looked up and closed his eyes for a moment. "So, Ryuichi-kun," he began, "what's made you so interested in my employer's business?"

"Nothing, Taro-kun," Hayashi replied, "I'm just following orders."

"Part of the background work again, eh?"

Hayashi glanced at Mori irritably and continued drinking.

"Eh?" asked Mori, leaning forward.

Hayashi continued drinking.

"Eh?"persisted Mori, leaning closer.

"You're getting too close to my face."

Mori leaned back and laughed.

"It strikes me as odd that your boss is gathering all his ships in one place instead having them ply the shipping routes," Hayashi continued.

"And what of concern is that to Eric Ong?"

Hayashi looked at Mori suspiciously.

"Oh, you can trust me," said Mori, waving a hand. "I don't exactly like my employer. I'm just in here for the money."

"You are truly a mercenary, you know that?" said Hayashi as he held out his glass for a refill. "It's abnormal, the movement of your ships."

"It is, but what do I care?"

"This huge fleet of ships will make its way through the Suez Canal to the Indian Ocean, won't it?" said Hayashi. "Konstantiniadis wouldn't go all this way to bring a huge fleet of ships to Greece and not have everybody on board them disembark permanently."

Mori laughed. "At least you know that much," he chuckled.

"And then what?" Mori persisted. "What then, when you reach the Indian Ocean?"

"I don't know, Ryuichi-kun," Mori replied as he filled Hayashi's glass as well as his. "Your guess is as good as mine. Even Konstantiniadis' pick-ups have no idea where they're going."

"Damn it; this is a dead end."

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