Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Modern Nemo 20

The young man climbed the stage, nervous but impelled by a desire to please someone he highly respected. Shoji Kawamura glanced back at the curtains for reassurance and saw Konstantiniadis and Chidori give him the thumbs-up.

Smiling, Shoji turned back to the audience. He pulled out a sheet from his jacket and began to read it out at the podium.

"Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen," he began, "My name is Shoji Kawamura. I come from Japan. I am like many of you. I chose to leave my home and my country because I believe in a vision of a new society which is free from the constraints and conventions that everyday life has forced on us."

He stopped a moment. Everybody's eyes were turned on him.Wait, he thought. This isn't right. It's like I'm just parroting everything in Konstantiniadis' book.

He looked around. Everybody was expecting him to say more, but he was paralyzed with such nervousness that he was speechless. He panicked.

"Go on, Shoji!" shouted someone.

"Yeah! You can do it!"

"Shoji! Shoji! Shoji!"

He looked back and saw Konstantiniadis still giving him the thumbs-up.

"You can do it, Shoji-kun!" cried Chidori.

Instantly, something kicked in Shoji's brain. Of course! he thought. I can't just depend on this!

He folded the paper and put it back in his pocket. Then, with a new and powerful voice, he gave a new speech.

"Listen to me, everybody! We have all gathered here to put into action a dream; a dream that will change, not just ourselves, but the world as well!"

The crowd applauded as Shoji went on, "we are among those who wish to live in a world free from war, from prejudice, from hatred. But since the world does not share our dream, we have to build it with our bare hands. We cam here to build a new nation that is different from the rest; and to do that, we need land. But the world won't give us any land!"

Many nodded and expressed agreement.

"If the world won't give us land, then we have to create our own: It will be land that will not be hampered by events driving the world crazy. It will be land that is free, literally. We will build this nation on the waters of the world, and we will show them that we are capable of standing on our own two feet, and we will not live by their rules! I want you all to come with me, and together, we will build this new world!"

The audience responded with thunderous applause. Konstantiniadis and Chidori  ran from the backstage and threw their arms around Shoji. "You did it, Shoji!" the businessman exclaimed, "you did it! You've inspired everybody, just as I've inspired you!"

"I'm so proud of you, Shoji-kun!" said Chidori as she held to him tightly.

"Yeah, Shoji!" roared Simon as he clapped  and later raised a fist. "You da man!"

Shoji couldn't help the feeling of euphoria that had come over him. He was so happy. As he, Konstantiniadis and Chidori danced on the stage, Shoji noticed the North Korean clapping and looking at him very intently.

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