Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Real Anthem: Agni Parthene 2

Lorenzo: Here's the translation. The previous post was in the original Greek.

Anselmo: Okay, I get it now.

Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded

O Virgin pure, immaculate/ O Lady Theotokos
O Virgin Mother, Queen of all/ and fleece which is all dewy
More radiant than the rays of sun/ and higher than the heavens
Delight of virgin choruses/ superior to Angels.
Much brighter than the firmament/ and purer than the sun's light
More holy than the multitude/ of all the heav'nly armies.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
O Ever Virgin Mary/ of all the world, the Lady
O bride all pure, immaculate/ O Lady Panagia
O Mary bride and Queen of all/ our cause of jubilation
Majestic maiden, Queen of all/ O our most holy Mother
More hon'rable than Cherubim/ beyond compare more glorious
than immaterial Seraphim/ and greater than angelic thrones.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
Rejoice, O song of Cherubim/ Rejoice, O hymn of angels
Rejoice, O ode of Seraphim/ the joy of the archangels
Rejoice, O peace and happiness/ the harbor of salvation
O sacred chamber of the Word/ flow'r of incorruption
Rejoice, delightful paradise/ of blessed life eternal
Rejoice, O wood and tree of life/ the fount of immortality.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
I supplicate you, Lady/ now do I call upon you
And I beseech you, Queen of all/ I beg of you your favor
Majestic maiden, spotless one/ O Lady Panagia
I call upon you fervently/ O sacred, hallowed temple
Assist me and deliver me/ protect me from the enemy
And make me an inheritor/ of blessed life eternal.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!

The Real Anthem: Agni Parthene 1

Lorenzo: Hi guys! A little correction here. The real anthem of the EOGC is the Agni Parthene. The previous song was the EOGC's inaugural hymn.

Anselmo: My bad.

Lorenzo: No harm done.

Agni Parthene (O Virgin Pure)
S.TI Greek OriginalTransliteration
1.Aα Ἁγνὴ Παρθένε Δέσποινα, ἄχραντε Θεοτόκε,Agní Parthéne Déspina, Áhrante Theotóke,
RΧαῖρε νύμφη ἀνύμφευτε.Hére Nímfi Anímfefte.
1.Aβ Παρθὲνε μὴτηρ ἄνασσα, πανένδροσέ τε πόκε.  R  Parthéne Mítir Ánassa, Panéndrose te póke.  R
1.Bα Ὑψηλοτέρα οὐρανῶν ἀκτίνων λαμπροτέρα,  R  Ipsilotéra Uranón, aktínon lamprotéra,  R
1.Bβ Χαρὰ παρθενικῶν χορῶν ἀγγέλων ὑπερτέρα.  R  Hará parthenikón horón, angélon ipertéra,  R
1.Cα Ἐκλαμπροτέρα οὐρανῶν, φωτὸς καθαρωτέρα,  R  Eklamprotéra uranón fotós katharotéra,  R
1.Cβ Τῶν οὐρανίων στρατιῶν, πασῶν ἁγιωτέρα.  R  Ton Uraníon stratión pasón agiotéra.  R
2.Aα Μαρία ἀειπάρθενε κόσμου παντὸς Κυρία,  R  María Aipárthene kósmu pantós Kiría,  R
2.Aβ Ἄχραντε νύμφη πάναγνε, Δέσποινα Παναγία.  R  Áhrante Nímfi Pánagne, Déspina Panagía,  R
2.Bα Μαρία νύμφη ἄνασσα, χαρᾶς ἡμῶν αἰτία,  R  María Nímfi Ánassa, harás imón etía,  R
2.Bβ Κόρη σεμνή, Βασίλισσα, Μήτηρ ὑπεραγία.  R  Korí semní Vasílissa, Mítir iperagía,  R
2.Cα Τιμιωτέρα Χερουβίμ, ὑπερενδοξοτέρα,  R  Timiotéra Heruvím, iperendoxotéra  R
2.Cβ Τῶν ἀσωμάτων Σεραφίμ, τῶν θρόνων ὑπερτέρα.  R  Ton asomáton Serafím, ton Thrónon ipertéra.  R
3.Aα Χαῖρε τὸ ᾆσμα Χερουβίμ, χαῖρε ὕμνος ἀγγέλων,  R  Hére to ásma Heruvím, hére ímnos angélon,  R
3.Aβ Χαῖρε ᾠδὴ τῶν Σεραφίμ, χαρὰ τῶν ἀρχαγγέλων.  R  Hére odí ton Serafím, hará tón Arhangélon,  R
3.Bα Χαῖρε εἰρήνη καὶ χαρά, λιμὴν τῆς σωτηρίας,  R  Hére iríni ke hará, limín tis sotirías,  R
3.Bβ Παστὰς τοῦ Λόγου ἱερά, ἄνθος τῆς ἀφθαρσίας.  R  pastás tu Lógu ierá, ánthos tis aftharsías,  R
3.Cα Χαῖρε παράδεισε τρυφῆς, ζωῆς τε αἰωνίας.  R  Hére Parádise trifís, zoís te eonías,  R
3.Cβ Χαῖρε τὸ ξύλον τῆς ζωῆς, πηγὴ ἀθανασίας.  R  Hére to xílon tis zoís, pigí athanasías.  R
4.Aα Σὲ ἱκετεύω Δέσποινα, σὲ νῦν ἐπικαλοῦμαι.  R  Se iketévo Déspina, Se, nin, epikalúme,  R
4.Aβ Σὲ δυσωπῶ Παντάνασσα, σὴν χάριν ἐξαιτοῦμαι.  R  Se disopó Pantánassa, Sin hárin exetúme.  R
4.Bα Κόρη σεμνὴ καὶ ἄσπιλε, Δέσποινα Παναγία,  R  Korí semní ke áspile, Déspina Panagía,  R
4.Bβ Θερμῶς ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ναὲ ἡγιασμένε.  R  Thermós epikalúme Se, Naé igiasméne,  R
4.Cα Ἀντιλαβοῦ μου, ρῦσαί με ἀπὸ τοῦ πολεμίου  R  Antilavú mu, ríse me apó tu polemíu,  R
4.Cβ Καὶ κληρονόμον δεῖξόν με ζωῆς τῆς αἰωνίου.  R  Ke klironómon díxon me zoís tis eoníu.  R

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

We Are the New Byzantium

Anselmo: This may be a hymn from the Orthodox Church, but it's also the official anthem of the EOGC, unlike the An Die Freude. It was suggested by Cardinal Zhang, even though he's Catholic.

Lorenzo: He was ordained in the Byzantine Rite, like me; that explains everything. Byzantine Rite Catholics are Catholics. They just follow the practices of the Orthodox, but their loyalty is the same as the rest of the Church.