Monday, September 29, 2014

The Anthem

Anselmo: Taking a break from "A Modern Nemo." Here's the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven, the complete fourth movement, also known as the EOGC's unofficial anthem.

Lorenzo: Almost everybody in the EOGC territories loves this song... except the politicians.

Anselmo: Haha, yes. Oh, and this version's being sung by Japanese.

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Modern Nemo 25

Maximilian was in his office, going through all the files Petrov had sent him. He was practically so engrossed that his secretary had to go into the room because he didn't answer the phone. And when someone wanted to see him, he would nod his head, wave and continue reading the files while the visitor would go on and on with his or her ramblings.

There was something very disturbing about the files Petrov had sent him. Weapons were being purchased from former Soviet countries in Central Asia and were being smuggled through Russia, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan through Green Oceans' own delivery and shipping offices after being disassembled and placed in containers. But in some places, especially in remote places on the Russian Pacific coast, the ships were just waiting on the coast and were loaded. There was even an office created to pay out bribes to local officials.

These things, taken in isolation, did not faze Maximilian; neither was the sheer size and the type of weapons involved: attack helicopters, AK-47s, RGPs, surface-to-air and surface-to surface missiles and electronic warfare systems and point-defense weapons, to name a few. What really got his attention was a folder entitled "The Agenda."

As he pieced the information in contents of the folder's files together, an image was building in his mind: Konstantiniadis was putting together a vast armada that would claim the seas as its pond and turn the seas into his own country. That would be bad for the whole world.

He never left his office the entire day and asked his secretary to bring him a cheeseburger meal for lunch. He never stopped reading the documents even though it was already six in the evening.

Justine arrived from Ong Manor at around ten. Maximilian's secretary had already left for home and Justine came to inquire why Maximilian hadn't come home yet.

"Hey bo," she said, walking into the room. "You haven't been answering any of our calls. What's up?"

Maximilian nodded but didn't say anything. His eyes remained fixed on the computer screen.

"Hey," she said again, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, hey," replied Maximilian. His face still remained in front of the screen.

"What're you doing?" she asked.


"But dad says there's nothing else to do today."

"Well, he doesn't, but I do."

"How important is it?"

Maximilian paid no attention until he came across a picture of a star-shaped city floating on the sea: a ship as big as a city, unconventional in design and sailing every sea in the world, claiming dominion over the waters. In the text, Konstantiniadis stated that he would ban international shipping and only his new creation, the Great Ocean Nation, would be solely responsible for protection of the seas' ecology and handle all maritime trade. A dangerous revelation was discovered.Commercial shipping would cease to exist and international trade would suffer, bringing about a global crisis. Wars would erupt and shake societies to their very foundations. Even the EOGC would be affected. Maximilian's eyes widened in horror. "Justine," he said. "Get me the phone. I'm calling dad."

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Modern Nemo 24

The wireless phone rang beside the bed. The girl awoke and picked it up. "Hello," she mumbled. "Who is this?"

"Oh," she said after listening. She turned and nudged the person sleeping next to her. "Hey," she said, "It's for you."

Maximilian opened his eyes. He put his glasses on and took the phone.

He was in his condominium unit with his girlfriend. Although his parents approved of their relationship, they did not approve of them sleeping together unless and until they tied the knot. Well, in Maximilian's opinion, that had weight if they were in Ong Manor. But this was his house; so the rules were his rules.

"Hello?" he said, sitting up.

"Mr. Ong," came Petrov's voice. "Can you go online right now? I have something important to send you."

"Alright," said Maximilian, "In a moment."

He hung up, kissed his girlfriend, who had just went back to sleep, and climbed out of bed. Then he put on a black brief and white tank top and headed for the living room.He sat down in front of his computer, turned it on and logged in. Patching into his chat with the camera on, he beheld an unusual sight.

Petrov's face was in the camera, he was covered with sweat and appeared to be moving back and forth in rapid succession. As Maximilian put the headset on, he could hear the sounds of panting and moaning.

"Hello Mr. Ong," said Petrov, breathing heavily. "I have been able to get some information on Konstantiniadis' plans."

"So what did you find out?" asked Maximilian.

"I'll send the over to you right now," Petrov replied.

A message with attachments appeared on Maximilian's screen.

"Have you received the package, Mr. Ong?"

Maximilian downloaded the attachments. There were several folders full of documents. "Yes, I have," he replied and saved them in a separate folder.

The moaning and panting was getting louder.

"Good," said Petrov. "Now I must get back to business."

He backed away from the camera and it was revealed that he was naked. His arms were holding something and were moving back and forth, as was his body from the chest down. He paused for a moment and lifted a head from below the camera; it was the face of an effeminate-looking blond young man.

"As you can see, I'm rather busy," Petrov continued.

The young man looked into the camera, smiled and waved a hand.

Unnerved, Maximilian closed the window and went offline. He thought of going back to his room for a moment. But he was tired. They had been up and about the whole night. Turning off the computer, Maximilian leaned back and fell asleep in the chair.